Music has become a part of world culture and has accompanied humanity since ancient times. It affects our personality and life, which is confirmed by a number of studies conducted in this area. And for the most part, it has a positive effect.
Things that will surprise you
So, we have prepared a list of facts about music you probably don’t know. Let’s take a look.
- Playing music in the background helps you to work out more productively but does not allow you to concentrate on work. However, music helps to be creative when played at low volumes.
- Compositions that have remained loved after a long time, as a rule, are tied to the emotional moments of a person’s life. The opinions of other people can influence the rating of a song. If the composition has several versions of performance, then in most cases, you like the one that was heard first.
- The socioeconomic situation in the country affects the musical preferences of the population. In times of crisis, people demand songs that carry a large semantic load, with long lyrics, slow rhythm, and romantic sound. If a society is preparing for a crisis, it prefers simpler songs.
- In the last quarter of a century, compositions have acquired a more “narcissistic” character: more and more often, “I” is heard in them, and words meaning interaction (“talking,” “giving,” “love,” etc.) have begun to appear much less often. The leading positions in the charts are mainly occupied by songs that carry a “sexy message.”
- Regardless of socioeconomic status, schoolchildren and students who study music have much better results in foreign languages and mathematics. Most people who study music speak two or more languages.
- Loud sounding provokes the desire to drink something alcoholic. This is known to the employees of drinking establishments, which turn on the music at a louder level. Visitors begin to consume alcohol and order new portions actively. In restaurants with classical and jazz tunes, people spend more on food than in places where other musical styles are played, or there is no music at all.
- Many rock musicians, whose records became popular and entered the top 1000 of the planet, passed away relatively young. According to statistics, rock stars live two times less than mere mortals.

- A hit can bring huge profits, but it also takes a lot of money to create it. It is known that the authors spent about $ 53,000 on Rihanna’s track before she began recording it in the studio.
- One can judge a person by musical preferences. Emotionally stable people prefer blues, jazz, classical, or folk music. They are open to acquiring new knowledge and experience; they have reasonably high intelligence and competent speech. The pop direction is preferred by pleasant, outgoing natures, often with conservative views and secretive nature. People with rather liberal views prefer everything related to hip-hop and electro. It should be noted that liberals have more diverse musical preferences than conservative people.
- Country and opera create a suicidal mood. The latter makes such a strong aesthetic impression on listeners that they start thinking about suicide as the best way to get rid of all problems. But the rock does not give rise to such thoughts. Heavy metal fans have the strongest psyche, with less than 5% showing some deviation. They are the least susceptible to stress, depression, and anxiety.
- Favorite music relieves pain symptoms and relieves anxiety and anxiety. Any melody has an impact on the subconscious and much more than even the most pleasant words.
- It happens that some composition is spinning in the head. Most real music lovers are prone to this, so true connoisseurs of music often have to deal with this phenomenon. The less a person thinks about it, the faster the brain gets rid of this obsessive melody.
As you can see, music can both do miracles to people and harm them (which is pretty surprising, isn’t it?). Like all spheres of our lives, music is constantly developing, so who knows what to expect in the future.